About Brandi Owens, RN

Registered Nurse, Certified Lymphatic Therapist, 
Functional Health Consultant

Answers to the questions: Why do I feel like things aren’t right when they tell me nothing is wrong?    What is a healthy alternative to mammography?  Why can’t I get better, I’m doing everything they tell me to do?

Brandi has developed a unique understanding of how the body works in relationship to its environment. With more than 2 decades of experience of working with people of all ages and various types of disease, Brandi can help you navigate the road back to health. Brandi has a very in depth understanding of traditional diagnostic tests from her background in critical care/oncology medicine along with continued studies in Biologic Medicine allowing her to apply conventional thinking and testing to functional knowledge of the body and is able offer answers to the common “why do I feel like this” question that so many are unable to find an answer to. Brandi provides the bridge that many are seeking between logical medicine that clearly defines the problem and natural healing processes to achieve true health. 

Brandi utilizes a cutting edge testing system called AlfaSight 9000™; a non-toxic, non- invasive testing method called Regulation Thermometry or European Thermography. You can choose to work with Brandi in a Health Consultant role to address the concerns found in the report with individualized protocols will be developed to meet your specific health needs, or testing can be provided with a report sent back to your health care provider.

European Thermography: Identify the source of Inflammation.

Developed in Germany with over 30 years of research, European Thermography works differently than the traditional photograph type thermography. It is a full body testing method that helps us identify how your body is adapting to its environment; creating a measurement of how your nervous system is affecting your health and vitality. European Thermography will give you information that cannot be found through any other testing method, and it is all printed out on an easy to read color graph 6 page report.

By testing temperature changes on 90-120 points on the head and body we can see patterns of disease years before symptoms are felt by measuring digestive health, immune health, lymphatic health, hormone health, breast and prostate health, as well as levels of toxicity and so much more.

European Thermography can reveal hidden infections and organ stress months to years before lab and traditional diagnostic testing become abnormal making this an ideal test for anyone wanting to prevent serious illness as well as those looking to find a cause of a current illness as this technology looks well below the surface of the symptoms to identify root cause of disease. 

 Please call 480-529-6323 for your free initial phone consult or to schedule your health consultation appointment. Note if you are interested in Electro Lymphatic Therapy, please call for more details.